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tv   Trish Regan Primetime  FOX Business  May 14, 2019 11:00pm-12:01am EDT

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lou: and tomorrow here, attorneys victoria tins thing, joe degin v.a., national security expert k.t. the mcfar loan. follow me on twitter, like me on facebook and instagram. thanks for bh us. see you tomorrow. good night from new york. ♪ ♪ trish: tonight, the gloves are off. attorney general bill barr hiring a pit bull prosecutor to get the answers all americans want and all americans deserve. why and how did this whole russia probe even begin? we have fresh insight that you must hear tonight. plus, former bush 43 senior adviser karl rove and florida congressman matt gaetz, they're both here with me to the react. meanwhile, shocking new numbers reveal border apprehensions have soared to levels not seen in two decades. and listen closely, any democrats out there, these
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numbers are almost double what president obama called a crisis back in 2014. former press secretary sean spicer is here tonight the on that. and former deputy attorney general rod rosenstein hitting back at james comey, calling him a political hack. tonight you'll hear exclusively from someone who once worked with comey and says james comey has forever tarnished the fbi's image. and far-left democrat rashida tlaib doubling down after her controversial comments on the holocaust. wait until you hear what she's saying now. "trish regan primetime" begins next. ♪ trish: the gloves are off, indeed. not only has attorney general bill barr hired a so-called pit bull to investigate the investigators -- john durham out of county who has a history of investigating officials -- he is working with the nation's top national security leaders to get to the bottom of this whole
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russian investigation. now, let's get to mr. durham first. the u.s. attorney will review, mr. durham will review, and i quote, all intelligence collection activities. all intelligence collection activities related to the trump 2016 campaign including how the fbi got away with using opposition research bought and paid for by the dnc and the clinton campaign to secure a warrant to spy on an american citizen who works for the trump campaign. yes, about time, right? we pent two years listening to -- spent two years listening to the media and former intelligence officials tell us that donald trump was an agent of russia, and now we know there was no collusion, he was no agent of russia. so why would the fbi's top lawyer are, james baker, not question the use of the dossier? remember that dossier that they had, that they then turn over to the judge in order to get that
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fisa warrant. i mean, james baker volunteered that he himself never authenticated it, anything. telling lawmakers behind closed doors that he didn't read the woods file, which provides the underlying documentation. meanwhile, as i reported the ore night, it was actually highly unusual for him to be involved in a case like this, something he did tell the congress. and met me quote here, he said at that point in time when i was at the fbi, most of the fisa -- almost all the fisa applications -- did not go through me. then he explained one of the reasons it did go through him was because this one was so sensitive. if it was such a sensitive case, as he says, then, mr. baker, why wouldn't you triple check your sources? or, hey, maybe just check 'em, right? before filing a fisa warrant? and then, because you know what, i'm not done here, why not inform the fisa court judge that
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your application is based upon opposition research? why leave it in a little footnote when it's kind of important? it's like really important. and i say this as a journalist. do you think i just repeat hearsay and regurgitate it to you as though it's news? no. i check my sources. and when i've got something that's as big as that would have been, you triple check 'em. because that's the honorable thing to do. someone with integrity does that. but in the fbi went and used a bunch of hearsay and presented it to a judge as though it was fbi fact. and then they had a little, little footnote to say, oh, by the way, this is bought and paid for by the opposition. here's baker's explanation on that one, watch. >> why was it in a footnote rather than written in big, red magic marker, in block letters across every page of the thing? >> nobody's going to miss a page-long footnote in regular type. [laughter] okay?
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trish: okay. i mean, excuse me. you treat hearsay and tabloid opposition research as legitimate fbi research. you never if headline it as anything else for the judge. you expect the judge to go and hook at all the footnotes. well -- look at a all the footnotes. well, listen to bake's' inexplicable reason for just footnoting that source of the dossier to the judge. here we go. >> you don't want to put into a document like this gratuitous information about u.s. persons. you want to try to minimize if if -- minimize it it to some extent. trish: i mean, how about just not using the gratuitous material that you never sourced in the first places? i mean, this is the fbi. this is our fbi. this should make everyone left, right and center angry. because if we have people in big
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government thinking that they can do whatever they want and they can spy on innocent americans or people they consider a threat from an opposing campaign, then i'll tell you what, we have big, big problems. theythere were all kinds of easy disprovable things in that dossier. for one, the dossier claimed with such specificity that michael cohen was in prague in august 2016 holding secret meetings with the kremlin. but michael cohen had never even traveled to prague. ask you know what? -- and you know what? that was pretty easy to figure out. hey, fbi, check his passport records, right? mueller figured it out. it's in volume ii, page 139. and there are more of those things throughout, more of those things that were in the dossier that could have been easily disproven. but the point is if, as i suspect, the fbi was out there relying on opposition research
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for political purposes, then this is the biggest scandal in modern american political history. perhaps the biggest scandal ever politically in this country. joining me right now, former senior adviser to george w. bush, fox news contributor, many karl rove. karl, good to see you. >> good to see you. trish: tell me a little bit about mr. durham. what do you know? >> well, career -- apolitical. a career, u.s. and deputy u.s. attorney, now u.s. attorney for connecticut. literally joined the u.s. attorney's office in connecticut in the late 1970s after graduating from law school. he has a reputation as a determined, focused, unflappable prosecutor who's willing to take on the powerful and his employers. he was the guy who took on the fbi senior agent who was basically defending and hiding whitey bulger's nefarious
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activities, using him as a confidential informant, but hiding some of his extreme and violent deeds from law enforcement. he's the guy who took on the republican governor of connecticut, john roland, and prosecuted him and sent him to jail. he was the guy that attorney general mukasey e turned to to judge the destruction of the tapes of cia interrogators, and the obama administration asked him to take a look at enhanced interrogation techniques and to make a determination as to whether they violated u.s. law. in each and every instance the, he did what he thought was right, and i'm sure in this instance it's one to to have reasons why barr chose him. the american people need to have these answers, and this is a guy who's going to give it to 'em, and it's going to be straight arrow, chips fall where they may, let's let the facts speak for themselves. trish: i mean, you heard what i had to say, and i still maintain -- i'm sort of stun thed by this, because -- stunned by this, because the idea that you would ever rely on something that you had not sourced
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yourself, i mean, in journalism we don't do that, but our fbi might do that? that just seems totally bonkers to me, karl. >> yeah. michael horowitz, the inspector general of the department of justice, is conducting an investigation along similar lines. however, his authority limited. he can only interrogate or interview or request documents from current employees of the department of justice. now that we've not a u.s. attorney, he can turn to people like mccabe and strzok and comey and baker and others who have left the government service, and he can compel them to give testimony and to produce documents. so with this sort of -- if you wanted to look at it as a one-two punch between michael horowitz who's got an impeccable reputation for being fair and calling it like it is, and -- but is limited on the authority that he has. and we now have durham who's going to be able to build on the work that horowitz has been involved in for better than a year and to extend it by talking to people that horowitz doesn't have access to.
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so, you know, if you want to step back even further, we've now had four people -- mueller, john huber in utah who's looking at some elements of this, u.s. attorney. again, apolitical. durham and horowitz, all four of them are straight arrows, and we know from mueller's performance, here's a guy who clearly demolished the idea about conspiracy and collusion, and who, when it came to the issue of obstruction, basically said there's not a prosecutable offense here, in my opinion, for the government -- trish: there are some democrats who might dispute you on that interpretation, by the way. >> well, i know they would. but if that's out of disappointment by bob mueller and now we've got three other straight arrows, and i think at the end of this process, the american people will have greater confidence they know what happened and why it happened. trish: think of what it's doing to our country in the meantime. and look, sir, i mean, i'm afraid we're going to learn some answers that are going to be
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very disheartening -- >> well, we need -- trish: i don't know. we'll see -- >> we need to know. like you, i have a deep suspicion of -- i mean, how is it that they hid from the, that the clinton campaign and the democratic national committee spent so much money with a law firm to hide the fact they were hiring fusion gps, and they in turn hire a retired british secret service agent who picks up the phone and calls his pal, former kgb and fsb agents in moscow and says you got any dirt on donald trump? if that is an open invitation to the secret service to play around in the campaign -- and for how this came to be and why they came to rely upon it and why people did the things that they did, we need somebody with an impartial and stellar reputation to go take a look at this so the american people can be confident this is not going to happen again. trish: you're spot on. >> if i was a fisa judge, i would be furious that this was not headlined to me that this is the clinton campaign opposition
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research effort funded by -- we don't even know today how much they spent 12, i think it is, million dollars with a law firm that was, obviously, for some legal services. but how much went to fusion gps? and then how forthcoming has fusion gps been about its role? glenn simpson has not been forthcoming at all about it. and we need, as the american people, we need to be confident that the agencies of our government are not going to be used in this what appears to be deeply political and personally driven fashion. trish: hey. if i'm vladimir putin and i've got my former kgb buddies out there talking to christopher steele, this is perfect -- >> oh, yeah. trish: this is ripe for that kind of opportunity and to expose ourself so stupidly to that perhaps for political reasons, it is a shame. >> yeah. and remember -- trish: yeah? >> remember, you're talking about russian interference, the dossier is dumped into the american political campaign as it comes town the closing months -- down the closing months. and we have fusion gps and
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christopher steele trying desperately to sell this to anybody, any reporter that they can get to bite on it. so, you know, you talk about russian interference in the election, this was so solicited and received by agents to of the clinton campaign and the democratic national committee. and i don't see nadler and schiff and the res of in the crowd being concerned deeply about that. they're focused on something that robert mueller came back and said there's no evidence of a conspiracy or collusion between the trump campaign and the russians at all. and yet we've got schiff and everybody else spun up about what robert mueller's already killed and not spun up at all about what we know to be a fact which is the dnc openly invited the russians to play in our political campaign by providing information which is a lot of it just clearly trash. and none of which has been verified. trish: no, look, karl, this is the why we're the in such a sad state right now, that people are putting politics ahead of country here. this is one. where you ought to
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care. i don't care how much you hate donald trump, anybody that is american should care if the fbi is doing stuff like this. i'm afraid about what we're going to find out, but we need to hear it. >> we need to hear it. trish: karl rove, thank you. just the tip of the iceberg, as i said. are we going to be afraid about what we're going to hear? because maybe it's worse than the anybody thinks. my next guest is a member of the house judiciary committee, and he has been all over this story from the very start. florida congressman, mr. matt mt gaetz. good to have you back here, sir. >> good to be with you, trish. trish: do you think this will be, could go down in history as one of the biggest scandals, if not the biggest, in politicses ever in the united states of america? >> we're actually looking at multiple scandals, and i think as mr. durham engages in his work, there are three areas we'll want to evaluate. first, the leaks. you'll recall the fbi wasn't investigating as their principle activity, they're trying to
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shape the media to get report certain things negative about donald trump or positive about their agencies. the second as you've well detailed are the frauds that were committed on the secret court that impaired the constitutional rights of american citizens. those frauds included never disclosing that a british spy was the person curating russian lies about donald trump to the delegitimize him both before and after his election. but the third and i would say potentially the most important area to the investigate is the corrupt intent that seemed to germinate out of the obama white house to try to smear donald trump. and as we saw peter strzok and lisa page texting about the people in the obama white house who wanted to be kept up-to-date on their work, it seems to suggest that people like comey and brennan and clapper were very much involved in trying to create this narrative rather than conduct the investigation -- trish: unbelievable. i mean, you think about people that go to washington and work at a place like the fbi, you're devoting your life to public service.
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and this is how possibly -- now, again, we don't know, i'm not blaming anybody here, but this does not look good. i mean, fun of it looked good. -- none of it looks good. and the idea they never checked this stuff before presenting it to a judge, congressman, it's just wrong. >> it is. and even what they told the judge never identified the foreign source of the information. even if they identified by reference glenn simpson, that doesn't cover the fact that a british spy was going to his russian buddies to try to cure rate these lies about donald trump. we also see a very deferent apoach from bill barr than from jeff sessions. for nearly two years my republican colleagues and i on judiciary have been calling for a robust investigation into the onlies of the trump-russia lie. trish: you're getting it. >> and we're getting it. and thanks to bill barr for doing it. trish: good. congressman gaetz, thank you for all your hard work because americans do deserve these answers, and we will get them the. thank you, sir. liberals now up in arms over new or reports the president plans to actually defend america
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if iran attacks u.s. troops. really? to all the democrats out this, here's a reminder of what iranians think of us. >> [inaudible] trish: tonight, why the far left refuses to stand up to a country that literally chants "death to america." also tonight, even president obama called it a crisis in 2014. listen. >> we now have an actual humanitarian crisis on the border that only underscores the need to drop the politics. trish: tonight former trump press secretary sean spicer is here on why democrats, they ought to take that advice. drop the politics, right? if it was a crisis then, why isn't it a crisis now given these enormous numbers that we're reporting for you tonight? but first, coming up, palestinian-american democratic
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congresswoman doubling down on her holocaust comments, even calling her create -- critics racist. you're going to want to hear this sound for yourself, after this. >> it was my ancestors, >> it was my ancestors, palest will it feel like the wheend of a journey?p working, or the beginning of something even better? when you prepare for retirement with pacific life, you can create a lifelong income... so you have the freedom to keep doing whatever is most meaningful to you. a reliable income that lets you retire, without retiring from life. that's the power of pacific. ask your financial professional about pacific life today.
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trish: what do you know, markets bouncg back today bigtime. this is exactly what i said would happen yesterday. the smart money knows that the monday was a blip. it was temporary. we do have to deal with china. it's not going to be pretty, but we do have the upper hand. and we're not going to have that forever, right? don't you use that leverage while you can? if you don't, you're going to wake up one day, they are going to be the new united states of america, and we're going to be france. [laughter] here to the talk about it with me, deneen borelli and former ohio state senate democrat, capri. you've seen a lot of people that have lost their jobs to overseas companies, and, you know, again, you're a democrat. >> right. trish: but this is actually a platform that the i thought used to actually the resonate9 with a lot of democrats. not so much these days, but in ohio it's got to resonate, right? >> right. even chuck schumer, actually, had said some positive things about fighting back on china the, particularly when it comes to matters of intellectual
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property and trying to level the playing field. no question in the state like ohio where i represented and where i'm from when, for example, when delphi if, which is a electronics supplier, filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy, i actually toured their closed plant and literally saw things that said ship to china on them. so this is real. but this is, the issue with these tariffs is truly a game of economic chicken between china and the united states. we're seeing this back and forth, we're now seeing a 5-25% increase in tariffs coming on a range of goods from china, and we're looking to do the same for chinese imports x. the real question is who's going to pay, literally and figuratively. and hopefully, it's not the american people. trish: yeah. deneen, i mean, look, the challenge, as capri's articulating somewhat here is that we are going to feel something economically, right? i don't think you can entirely deny that. ill say we do have the upper hand because we're their number
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one customer and we're able to manage it better given the success of our job market and overall economy. but if you want to keep that up, you want the world economy to be stable. i don't know if china cares, right? they'll just, you know, they'll bleed their people as long as they need to because they've got the 100-year plan. we've got a 2-year plan, 6 years at most. >> the way i see it, the president's plan would be temporary. listen, we've gotten china's attention now. i don't think china thought president trump would take the matter as far as he has. and when you think about the many, many years that china has been cheating and stealing from the u.s., it's been going on for far too long, and no president has stood the up to him until now. so now china knows that the president means business -- trish: yeah. i just hope they're not trying to wait it out, you know? that's my one concern. i think he needs to act aggressively, which is what he is doing. because we need some change when it comes to china.
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>> right. [inaudible conversations] trish: hang on. you're only here for a little bit, and i've got to ask you about freshman democrat, rashida tlaib, defending her holocaust comments onset meyers. guys, i want your response to this. >> you know, i got a texas message from a friend who's like, you know, next time really clarify, maybe talk like a fourth grader because maybe the racist idiots would understand you better. trish: come on. is that necessary? >> even if she got that text the, i'm not really sure why she would share it. you know, maybe it's taken a little bit out of context from her larger statements. i'm not defending her at all. this is kind of like the deplorable thing that, you know, we saw a number of years ago. unfortunately, you know, we're talking about things like this because members of congress' words matter. we should actually be focusing on the more substantive issues like trade with china and dealing with issues like the fact that we should be forcing china to deal with better environmental --
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trish: yeah, no, i hear ya -- [laughter] but this is where they're taking us down into the gutter. there we are in the gutter, and what i don't like about this, deneen, is that consistently their go-toto plays, and i don't include you in this, capri. we're talking about a total left-wing nuts out there. they just want to say you're racist, you're this, you're that, you're stupid, you must be poor. it goes on and on and on, right? they characterize anybody that thinks differently than them is just somehow dumb. and racist. and everything else. >> yeah. trish: deneen, that doesn't seem right. i don't hear conservatives describing liberals that way. >> no, you wouldn't. and somehow she's the victim. and you have democrats who are rallying behind her instead of condemning her words. her words, which were -- and i quote -- a calming feeling and the word holocaust in the same sentence? that clearly -- trish: that's dumb. >> it's just absolutely
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outrageous. this woman, i think, is an absolute disgrace, trish. trish: yeah, i hear you. it's good to' -- to see you guys. liberals up in arms over the new report president trump plans to defend america if iran attacks u.s. troops. tonight, why the far left refuses to stand up to a country that literally chants "death to america." but fist, president obama calling it a crisis in 2014, so why aren't democrats calling it a crisis now when the numbers have almost doubled when it comes to illegals crossing into our country? former trump press secretary sean spicer is calling out the far left after this. far left after this. >> we now have an actual hey, who are you? oh, hey jeff, i'm a car thief... what?! i'm here to steal your car because, well, that's my job. what? what?? what?! (laughing) what?? what?! what?! [crash] what?!
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it's double right now what president obama called a crisis in 2014. here he is in 2014, half the levels we have now. watch. >> we now have an actual the humanitarian crisis on the border that only underscores the need to drop the politics. all of us take offense to anyone who reaps the rewards of living in america without taking on the responsibilities of living in america. undocumented workers broke our immigration laws. and i believe that they must be held accountable. especially those who may be dangerous. fix our broken immigration system. [cheers and applause] trish: okay, so why the switcher radio, right? -- switcheroo? joining me right now, former white house press secretary and america first action senior adviser, sean spicer. good to see you. it's amazing, right? i just played that sound, and there president obama is saying things that we could hear president trump say today, but the chiewment's very, very
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different. [laughter] what's happened? >> yeah. well, it's quite simple. donald trump was elected president. because it defies common sense. it's not just president obama. but when you look at the votes of a lot of these leading democrats, they voted for a barrier wall, they voted for additional funding, they've said a lot of the same things president obama said in clips you just played. what i don't get, frankly, is that -- i get politics. i've been doing this for a long time. what i think is astonishing though is, to your point, you've got in one area or the southwest border, in april you had 109,000 illegal aliens come over the border. at some point you have children being used as pawns to get over the border for people claiming asylum. there is truly a crisis. not just an immigration cry -- the crisis, but frankly, a humanitarian crisis. and if you do care about these people, you see these stories about coyotes running these families and running, you know, these children, charging
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thousands of dollars for people to get migrated up to our southern border. it's the, frankly, dangerous. and if we care about these individuals, we should put an end to it, because it is our system that is becoming the magnet for it. and democrats, if this had been any oh president, would be standing shoulder to shoulder with republicans agreeing. trish: i don't get it. what, are we going to take responsibility for latin america? open up the borders, let everybody in? it doesn't make any sense because economically, you know, we can't handle it. and we're not going to go in and take over all these countries. i mane, i don't understand where they're going with this one and what their ultimate goal is. is it that they want to somehow make sure that they're able to get them a path to citizenship so that they can vote and vote for them? >> i don't know. i mean, that, to me, is the only thing that i can plausibly think of, right? you bring a bunch of people in, you sort of indoctrinate them into your political philosophy
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and create this so-called path to citizenship and build in a ton of new voters. if any other circumstance, if you care about american workers, you should be against this. if you care about young children being trafficked or hurt or used, you should be against this. if you worry about the abuse that some of these folks in the caravans are going through, then you should want an end to this. if you care about our national security, you should want an end to this. there's really no plausible scenario that i can possibly think of politically, policy wise or just compassionately that would allow these type of policies to continue. but the thing that we have to understand is that it is tough. when you watch these segments of what's actually going on, they are being told, hey, all you need to do is cross that southern border with a child. you claim asylum, the u.s. has to accept it, and then they'll let you go because you could wait upwards of five years before a court date. trish: look, it'll never stop. i hear ya. we created it, and we created
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these loopholes, and we had good intentions when we did it. this is the law of unintended consequences, and it's playing out in realtime. and it's going to keep getting -- >> but, trish, can i -- trish: they're not going to give him an inch. >> here's the thing, you have a lot of guests on your program from both sides to have aisle and try to bring up these issues. i think that issue is that democrats get away with a lot, right? they get to say, oh, no, i'm for border security, or i'm against it, but they won't tell you what they're for. a lot of the folks in the mainstream media are ready to give them a free pass. no, i'm not for open borders, no, i'm not against border security. no, i'm not against a lot of these things that i just named. but they won't tell you what they're for or any way that they will -- trish: i tell you, that's a pathway to not doing very well in 2020, because americans want something to vote for. sean, unfortunately, i'm out of time, and i really wanted to get to this whole barr thing, but i
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hope you'll come back soon. sean spicer. liberals up in arms over a new report that president trump plans to defend america, if needed, if iran tries to attack u.s. troops. they're upset about that. tonight we have a general here on why the far left refuses to stand up to a country that literally chants "death to america." but first, former trump deputy a.g. rod rosenstein hitting back at james comey, calling him a partisan hack. our next guest is a former fbi assistant director who's been calling comey a hack for years. chris is speaking out. chris is speaking out. you've got to liste all money managers might seem the same, but some give their clients cookie cutter portfolios. fisher investments tailors portfolios to your goals and needs. some only call when they have something to sell. fisher calls regularly so you stay informed. and while some advisors are happy to earn commissions whether you do well or not. fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. maybe that's why most of our clients
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went to ancestry, i put in the names of my grandparents first. i got a leaf right away. a leaf is a hint that is connected to each person in your family tree. i learned that my ten times great grandmother is george washington's aunt. within a few days i went from knowing almost nothing to holy crow, i'm related to george washington. this is my cousin george.
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chance he can get, but he hit back last night. we were the very first to bring in the to you, but let's, you know, let's watch it again. >> now the former director seems to be acting as a partisan pundit, selling books and earning speaking fees while speculating about the strength of me -- my character and the fate of my immortal soul. that is disappointing. speculating about souls is not a job for police and prosecutors. trish: of course, he may not be doing that long, given that barr has now assigned an attorney, john durham, to look into just exactly what went down in 2016. here with me right now, former fbi assistant director chris sweker. is rosenstein right? do you consider former head of the fbi, james comey, now at this point just a partisan hack? >> oh, absolutely. he's a hyperpartisan hack. he's sitting in a glass house throwing rocks at everyone; bill
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barr, the president, rod rosenstein. and rosenstein and barr are career professionals within the justice department. i think they have a lot of integrity and professionalism. unfortunately, jim comey does not. he's been, he's been embarrassing himself and, unfortunately, he's taking the -- he's trying to take the fbi down with him, the good men and women of the fbi. we should be talking about their good work, not him. trish: no, i mean, he's really in some ways suggest hiked that reputation. we were -- sullied that reputation. i don't know if you heard me earlier talking to karl rove, but i think we're going to learn some pretty bad stuff just exactly how this all went down, and it's not going to be very flattering to the fbi. but as you said, it's not the rank and file, right? it's a few people at the top that are doing some really unethical, unethical stuff. >> yeah, unfortunately, you see corporations where their leader and the inner circle are the bad apples. i nebraska thought we'd -- i
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never thought we'd see it in the fbi. we had jim comey, mccabe, strzok, page. clearly, they disliked the president. they allowed that to leak into their work and drive their work. we had the leader of the finishing b irk leaking -- fbi leaking, stealing memos and that press conference where he violated every rule in the book. rod rosenstein was correct to go back at him. trish: and he said last night, look, it's not something you did. it's what you said, chris, right? you're not supposed to be that partisan. you're not supposed to be out with an agenda. and yet comey is. and, by the way, or i don't know if we have any of his tweets, but, gosh -- or instagrams. he's better than -- [laughter] you know, certainly better than me. probably better than some teenage girls looking up at the trees and thinking and this and that. lovely, artistic -- there we go. [laughter] artist thetic looking photos. this is not normal, chris, right? >> no, it's not. i mean, i've served under four
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or five directors of the fbi. this is the only fbi director -- and, by the way, he only served for about four years -- trish: by the way, he used to work for a hedge fund -- >> he had the shortest tenure of any fbi director, but he did the most damage. and now he's sort of confirming what we thought about him on his book tour, he's in the mud wrestling pit -- trish: maybe he's making money. maybe that's what it's all about. ka-ching. isn't that sad, because it should be about -- especially in that kind of position -- about a little bit more. look, i think, chris, a lot's going to come out. and, unfortunately, t not going to -- it's not going to make the fbi look very good. but james comey and maybe a few others will pay the price. chris swecker, thank you. >> i think there'll be some catharsis by going after the bad apples. that vindicates the rank and file of the fbi. they're in there doing their
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work day in and day out. their doing, you know, all kinds of things, drugs, terrorism. is and here we are talking about strzok, page and comey. trish: what a distraction, truly. >> yeah. trish: it's good to see you. thank you. okay, "the new york times" reporting that the president plans to defend america against iran if it attacks u.s. troops. that's news? if they attack u.s. troops, yeah, wouldn't we defend ourselves? coming up next, general tate, why liberals are so hesitant to stand up to a country that literally chants "death to america" and burns the american nag in its streets. he's next -- flag in its streets. [inaudible conversations] i can't believe it. that we're playing "four on four" with a barbershop quartet? [quartet singing] bum bum bum bum... pass the ball... pass the rock.. ...we're open just pass the ball!
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trish: president trump blasting "the new york times" saying it's absolutely false that he and his top the military brass are outlining a plan to send up to 120,000 troops to the middle east if iran strikes at american forces. he said, that's to not true. but you know what is true? if they go after us, we're not going to be okay with that, right? we're not. and the president won't be. joining me right now is retired
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brigadier general anthony ta, ata. general, you get "the new york times" out there, you know, trying to sensationalize this. they've got us heading to world war iii, and the president's like, wait a second, what? what are they saying? you you know this better than anyone, our military has plans that they're always working on, and i am sure it would be surgeon that those are things that you have these contingency plans, right? that's what military generals would do. but, you know, the difference between that and what "the new york times" was headlining last night, two different things? >> right. yeah, exactly, trish. the first thing i would say is that, you know, the great thing about president trump is he puts all options on the table, and he holds his cards close to the his vest, and that's a great thing to have when you're on this geopolitical landscape. and so, you know, the next thing i would say is that iran, we
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have to the remember that iran create these explosively formed penetrators that maimed and killed so many hundreds of our soldiers in iraq during the iraq war. and so they're an enemy. and with the recent defeat of isis, yeah, we sort of had an informal truce with them in the iraq because they were also fighting isis. and now with the defeat of isis, we're able to focus on each other again. and i would just say that, you know, we have every right to defend ourselves. the lincoln carrier strike group moving toward the persian gulf, that's four acres of southern real estate right there that -- sovereign real estate that's going to be able to project power. and this is what's called a flexible deterrent option. we're not going to war with iran. we're putting a carrier strike group in there, and if they strike us, we're going to punish them back. we're showing the military element of power in a big way,
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and we're using information operations as well, and that's the information element of power. trish: i saw this headline last night, and i thought, you know, it just doesn't all add up. and so i appreciate your clarity on this, because i think this is a president who, you know, if provoked, will retaliate. but i don't get the impression he's off trying to pick a war here, there and everywhere unprovoked. >> no. trish: and so reading that piece last night and the way they headlined it really sounded quite different. you know, liberals were very upset, very concerned. but what is it that they need to understand about iran right now in how much of a threat, in your view, sir, is iran? >> right. trish: i would think they would know, like, don't mess with us. don't mess with this president. >> yeah, you would think. and, you know, the first thing is that president trump is always going to put america
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first. and so he's not going to subordinate our interests to any other nation. and we have to just look back a few years ago where we subordinated significant interests under the obama administration to the iran to get the iran nuclear deal which was a terrible deal which funneled money into iran. which has been on the state sponsor of terrorism list since 1984 when president ronald reagan put them on that list. and here obama gives them billions of dollars. there's evidence -- i was just in israel three weeks ago -- there's evidence that hezbollah and hamas have received, they're flush with cash. they've received thousands of rockets. so those rockets that were being launched last week, paid for by the obama administration. so we have to understand that we have interests in that renal. israel is our -- in that region. israel is our key ally. we have saudi arabia, all that oil, it's a huge economic driver for the world economy. and iran is a dangerous force. we've named the irgc, iranian
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republican guard corps, as a -- trish: you make their life a living economic hell, right? >> that's right. trish: sanctions, sanctions and some more sanctions. because if you do that, sir, they're listening. >> that's right. and the irgc now being named a terrorist organization, that's a big deal because the intelligence that we're getting now, trish, is that the iranian special forces and republican guards are going to start attacking our 5,000 or so troops in iraq. trish: i know. yeah. i hear -- >> and that's, that's the issue. that's right. trish: general, thank you so much. >> thank you, trish. trish: president trump's stern warning to s -♪ just like any other family ♪ the house, kids, they're living the dream ♪ ♪ and here comes the wacky new maid ♪ -maid? uh, i'm not the... -♪ is she an alien, is she a spy? ♪ ♪ she's always here, someone tell us why ♪
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>> we do not believe in socialism, is all right to say. [cheering] if that's okay i believe them. if we have socialism here, he would have nothing needed. and if it was standing in previous generations it would be falling down right now. >> that was president trump blasting socialism. the 2020 the mechanicals continue to push the far left socialist policies that would get us nowhere. as a country. take about that. can we say that we don't like socialism, yes sure we can say
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that. because everything will time it is been tied it has been filled. watch fox business 2:00 p.m. eastern, charle charles payne ha town hall. courrerererererererere in the house, i will see her tomorrow night, have a good evening. "kennedy" starts out. >> thank you trish, president trump says iraqi people should not worry about the trade war with china because again quote we always went" how do we manage the risk it could cause to our economy, that is ahead. we have a very busy news night. russia has taken a turn, they should have james comey quaking in his food. william barr has a appointed to look into the russian investigation in the first place for his reportedly been on the job for weeks and according to insiders, he is a feisty pimple who will definitely get answers, it's a very important question


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